We Guarantee to
Increase Your Sales

If you complete the course from beginning to end in order, action the majority of the nformation in the programme, we guarantee to increase your sales by at least ten times the investment of the course.

To increase your sales further, use the information as part of your sales meetings and create a playbook for your company on how to sell using our methodology. Companies achieve increases of 28-49% when creating a culture of selling for their teams.


Hours of content
— About us

We assist you reach your sales goals 

We have been training salespeople since 1990, and online since 2001. We developed the 360 degree feedback model for online training where participants are personally coached on the most vital stages of the sales process. A coaching method that sets us apart from all others, as we work on your specific selling situation and customer profile.

We take learning to a whole new level to support you get results.

  • Learn at your pace
  • Comprehensive courses
  • Study from anywhere
  • Gain practical skills
— Our Vision

We are here to create great sellers and sales managers

We aim to assist participants reach their goals and become highly sought after members of sales teams, capable of producing great results.

Online courses

 We provide online courses that prepares everyone for the real world of selling. We offer an array of courses that cover everything from foundation to B2B businesses, trusted advisor selling for professional service providers, to sales team management, assisting participants gain knowledge and practice their skills at the same time.

Forward Thinking

We believe in our own on-going education and keeping up with state-of-the-art technology and industry practices. This ensures our participants receive quality coaching.

Quality Content

We understand that staying at the top of your profession means accessing knowledge that is current and has an immediate positive effect on your ability to win business.
Sales Focus Coaching : Pioneering Coaching Online