Pioneering coaching of sales teams

Accelerated Modules Reducing Time 

Modules are up to 25-minute bytes of high-value content on a specific topic.

Access for one year 24/7

One-on-One Coaching of All Course Participants

Key Modules have assignments where we work One-On-One with participants on vital skills. Reviewing their assignments and providing feedback.We coach them to be successful in those skills.

Get Their Questions Answered

Participants can ask questions anytime during their Annual Subscription to a course. While not true for every participant, studies suggest that participants who are shy about asking questions in a group situation participate in online class discussions more easily than face-to-face.

How It Works

• Modules are up to 25-minute bytes of high-value content on a specific topic.

• Participants have a choice of Video, Audio or eBook to learn.

• Key Modules have assignments where we work One-On-One with participants on vital skills. We review their assignments and provide feedback. We coach them to be successful in those skills.

• Other modules have a quick knowledge assessment at the end.

• Participants can ask questions anytime during their Annual Subscription to a course. While not true for every participant, studies suggest that participants who are shy about asking questions in a group situation participate in online class discussions more easily than face-to-face.

• BONUS  MODULES : Access included to additional custom modules for specific subjects that participants raise.

Facts About Online vs Traditional Learning

Retention rates of 25 to 60% vs just 8-10% with face-to-face training

According to a study from The Research Institute of America in 2024, eLearning increases the retention rate of students. Learning online yields retention rates of 25 to 60%, while face-to-face training is lower, only yielding 8 to 10%. Why? Experts say this increase in retention is because eLearning gives students more control of the process, allowing them to revisit lessons and learn at their own pace.

Online Learning participants learned 5x more material without increasing the time spent training.

IBM implemented eLearning training programs for their employees and proved how efficient it can be. Online, learners were able to learn almost 5 times more material without spending more time training. Many employees prefer training online since eLearning typically requires 40 to 60% less employee time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom environment. - (Shift Learning)

Online learning requires 40-60% less time than traditional learning.

Learning online typically requires 40-60% less time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting.  (Shift Learning)

Around 40% of Fortune 500 companies use eLearning for training. (Skill Scouter)

Fortune 500 companies make up some of the most successful businesses in the world, and 40% of them use eLearning regularly and extensively. At these large firms, 73.6% of technology-delivered training is shared online or through a network of sorts. (Skill Scouter) (Shift Learning)

Companies with training programs have 218% higher revenue per employee 

Companies with extensive training programs are earning 218% higher revenues, a number directly correlated to the number of employees they train. According to Deloitte, the average employee must dedicate approximately 1% of their weekly time to training. This small-time investment empowers employees to stay updated with best practices, upskill their abilities, and learn about developments in the industry.

Companies that use eLearning see an 18% boost in employee engagement.

Employees who participate in eLearning experience an 18% boost in engagement. This boost in motivation comes from happier and more confident employees. Studies show that companies with an actively engaged workforce produce 2.6 times the earnings per share when compared to its competitors. (Molly Fletcher)

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Sales teams can remain in their home locations. There are no additional travel expenses, accommodation and venue hire, or other costs associated with bringing teams interstate.

Flexible Access 24/7

Courses are available for One Year, participants can review information as frequently as they require. They are not required to attend at specific times and can work to their own schedule.

Consistent Information

The courses provide consistent, tested, and proven information without variation from workshop to workshop or trainer to trainer.


Online learning demonstrates an individual’s motivation to learn and grow, often hidden in traditional learning environments as ‘sitting it out’.